Luke Munn is a media studies scholar based at UQ in Mianjin/Brisbane. His wide-ranging research investigating the social, political, and environmental impacts of digital technologies has been featured in highly regarded journals such as Cultural Politics and Big Data & Society as well as popular forums like The Guardian and The Washington Post.  He has written six books: Unmaking the Algorithm (2018), Logic of Feeling (2020), Automation is a Myth (2022), Countering the Cloud (2022), Red Pilled (2023), and Technical Territories (2023). His work combines diverse digital methods with critical analysis that draws on media, race, and cultural studies.

Recent Engagements:
– Forthcoming article in New Media & Society on Cultural Machines (email for copy)
– Workshop on GenerativeAI at OzCHI 2024
– Article in the Conversation about the Intelligence Age
– Lecture at Toyo University, Tokyo on Critiquing and Improving AI systems
– Article in Scientific American on the Missing Human in Misinformation