Luke Munn is a media studies scholar based at UQ in Mianjin/Brisbane. His wide-ranging research investigating the social, political, and environmental impacts of digital technologies has been featured in highly regarded journals such as Cultural Politics and Big Data & Society as well as popular forums like The Guardian and The Washington Post. He has written six books: Unmaking the Algorithm (2018), Logic of Feeling (2020), Automation is a Myth (2022), Countering the Cloud (2022), Red Pilled (2023), and Technical Territories (2023). His work combines diverse digital methods with critical analysis that draws on media, race, and cultural studies.
Recent Engagements:
– Interview with Fortune reporter on online misinformation and social media logics
– Interview with New Books Network on Automation is a Myth
– Interview with Mel Hogan on ChatGPT and the allure of contemporary AI
– Public Lecture on the Uselessness of AI Ethics at TU Vienna
– Interview with InfoLibre reporter on Twitter takeover and social media logics